
 Indian astrology is popularly referred to as Vedic astrology. This is not because it is there in the Vedas. There is no mention of stars astrology in the books of Vedas However, it is one of the Vedangas, i.e., limb or branch of Vedas, and dates back to the Vedic period. Several of the Poojas and remedial measures prescribed in the Indian astrology are as per the Vedic system. Hence, it is called Vedic astrology.

The Vedangas are six in number. They are Siksha or phonetics, Kalpa or ritual, Vyakarana or grammar, Nirukta or etymology, Chhandas or metrics and Jyotishya or science of astronomy and astrology horoscope. These are mentioned in the Upanishads.

It is impossible to ascertain the exact time of origin of our Indian astrology. Even the most famous historians differ wildly, from 1200 BC to 2500 BC while trying to fix our Vedic period. A lot of them, especially the westerners, still study India based on the Mohenjodaro and Harappan discoveries, which were discovered in the 1920’s!! Several archaeological discoveries of recent times date our culture to 7500 BC, making it the ancient most civilization in the world.

Our Indian Vedic astrology has details of the popular horoscopes of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and many other ancient Indian kings and queens, recorded thousands of years ago. The Bhishma Parva and Udyoga Parva chapters of Mahabharata mention many astrological descriptions and omens just before the Mahabharata war. It also describes a period of drought with several planetary combinations. There is also a very clear reference about two eclipses, a solar eclipse, and a lunar eclipse occurring, creating a rare 13 day lunar fortnight. Available scientific research data shows that the Mahabharata war must have occurred either in 3129 BC or 2559 BC. According to the Hindu Panchangam, maintained from ages, Kaliyuga era is counted from February 17/18 midnight 3102 BC. Hindu epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana have been written off as myths by the western historians. However the recent discovery of the submerged ancient city Dwaraka, (the site of the legendary city of Hindu Lord Krishna, which got submerged in the sea after the death of Lord Krishna), led by Dr. S.R. Rao of the Marine Archaeology Unit of the National Institute of Oceanography of India lends a lot of credence to our mythology. Various texts attribute the origin of Indian Vedic astrology to various gods and Rishis.